Senior Parents and Guardians of BHS, we are inviting you to a Holiday Lunch with your senior student at BHS on December 07, 2021! Your student will have an extended lunch period that day from 11:30 to noon in the auditorium and then lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Join us for a fun night of painting on January 20th at 5:30! Free to BHS students plus one family member. Class Limit of 20. Register here:
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Family Paint Night
Senior Parents and Guardians of BHS, we are inviting you to a Holiday Lunch with your senior student at BHS on December 07, 2021! Your student will have an extended lunch period that day from 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Teacher Spotlight - Coach Bobby Hartgen & Angela Parsons
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Blytheville High School will have December PTO meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at 6:30 pm in the BHS library or via zoom. Please use the link below.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Teacher Spotlight - Barbara Howard & Robin Sneed
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
You must purchase a ticket online for Thursday's games at Osceola. Girls' game Friday night is at Gosnell.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Sports Update
BMS and BHS are still on perimeter lockdown. Parents do not need to come up to the schools at this time. Classes are still in session and security is still onsite. BSD security and BPD are actively working together to find the source of the social media posts.
about 3 years ago, Blytheville School District
Blytheville School District is aware of the threat that has been shared via social media in regards to BMS and BHS. Both the BSD security and Blytheville police are working together on this matter. The safety of our students and staff are important to us. At this time parents are asked not to come to the schools as they will be going into a perimeter lockdown.
about 3 years ago, Blytheville School District
BHS Parent/Teacher conferences will take place on Thursday, November 11th from 3:30-6:30 PM. Conferences may be held through zoom, phone, or in person. To schedule conferences visit
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Student Spotlight - Connor Whitaker, Damarion Palmore, & Rebecca Mhoon
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Student Spotlight
Box seat tickets are on sale now. The seat's ticket will be good for any regular season game night that there is a BHS Sr varsity boy or BHS Sr varsity girl team playing at home. It is not good for benefit games, Classics, tournament games, or playoff games. You will choose your seats when you pay for your ticket. The seats are located in the bottom of the middle section on either side of the court (behind the teams or across from the teams.) At this time there are 8 Sr girls and 8 Sr boys home games scheduled (most of those nights there are 3 games, the 7th grade and/or junior high play before the Sr high) for a total of 16 home nights that the tickets are good for. You must keep up with and show your ticket at every game to enter and to sit in the box seat. There will be no refunds for cancelled games. Thanks for your support. Check out the QR code or the link below for the Blytheville Chickasaws sports calendar. To make arrangements to purchase tickets, you can reach Marcia Cooper at (870) 762-0124 or
about 3 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Box seats can be purchased now. If interested, reach out to Marcia Cooper at 870-762-0124.
Box seat tickets will be sold at the senior boys basketball benefit game tonight until after halftime in the lobby of the Arena. Start time for the game is 6:30 PM. The seat's ticket will be good for any regular season game night that there is a BHS Sr varsity boy or BHS Sr varsity girl team playing at home. It is not good for benefit games, Classics, tournament games, or playoff games. The cost of tickets are: One seat for $80, Two seats for $150, Three seats for $225, Four seats for $280. You will choose your seats when you pay for your ticket. The seats are located in the bottom of the middle section on either side of the court (behind the teams or across from the teams.) At this time there are 8 Sr girls and 8 Sr boys home games scheduled (most of those nights there are 3 games, the 7th grade and/or junior high play before the Sr high) for a total of 16 home nights that the tickets are good for. You must keep up with and show your ticket at every game to enter and to sit in the box seat. There will be no refunds for cancelled games. Thanks for your support. Check out the link below for all the basketball games.
about 3 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Parent/Teacher conferences will take place on Thursday, November 11th from 3:30-6:30 PM. Conferences may be held through zoom, phone, or in person. All in person meetings must be scheduled in advance. Please contact your child's teachers to schedule a conference time.
about 3 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Novemer 11th from 3:30-6:30 PM. Please contact your child's teacher to schedule an appointment.
Teacher Spotlight - Audrey Parker & Amanda Bottenfield
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Amanda Bottenfield
Audrey parker
Blytheville High School will have November PTO meeting, Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm in the BHS library or via zoom. Please use the link below.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
pto November
BHS: Choir Concert rescheduled for tonight at 6:30.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
Join us for the next Parent University Course: Portion Distortion. Portion sizes have increased over time contributing to an increase in overweight conditions in youth and adults. Learn more about portion size to encourage healthy eating. Register with the link below to join us via zoom on November 9, 2021 @ 6:00 PM. The event is for parents and staff. =eUVCb3owd3VGdFZ3MFViRlowQVIrUT09 Password: 183852
about 3 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Join us for the next Parent University course on Portion Distortion. The event will take place via zoom on November 9th at 6:00 PM. The zoom link is in the description.
BHS: It is Senior Night at Haley Field YouTube link
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker
BHS Choir Concert for tonight has been postponed, stay tuned in for the new date for the show.
about 3 years ago, Joy Wicker