Check out the pictures from our Birthday Book Project this morning at BPS! https://www.facebook.com/Blytheville-School-District-202411792588/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10155181744272589

BHS students getting excited about delivering books to Blytheville Elementary tomorrow. The books are part of the "Cara McCullom Birthday Book Project", in which Mrs. Lena Pierce's English class is participating.

Mrs. Pierce's students are getting ready to go to BPS tomorrow and deliver some birthday books! To learn more about this project, visit www.pointsoflight.org/blog/2015/03/06/birthday-gift-imagination

Members of the BHS Interact Club attended the Rotary luncheon today and met with the Rotary District Governor, Darlene Andrews. Pictured are Rotary President Sabrina Minyard, Lisa White, Maddie Hixson, Tatiyana Hill, Rotary District Governor Darlene Andrews, Loydriana Clayton, and Kristy Brasfield.

BHS Tech DEPT has been busy handing out computers to all students this week!

Mrs. Goodman demonstrating the importance of teamwork!! #collaboration

Want to get involved? BHS gives you many opportunities to get connected with the student body!! Join one of the student clubs.


Busy morning with parents and teachers at BHS #firstthingsfirst

Mr. Ashley and Mr. Davis presents the parents the 5A Sportmanship Banner our school received for our exemplary behavior at athletic events!! #bestawardofall

Ms. Haynes and Ms. Hardy starting off the year with lots of ways to get involved at BHS!! #firstthingsfirst

Teachers are back at it today! Administrators welcome teachers to their first day back at the high school.

BHS Chickasaw band hitting it hard this morning!! #hard work pays off

Blytheville School District hosting nationally renowned principal and author, Baruti Kafele. #closingtheattitudegap

#NTAC2016 BlyHigh reppin big in Orlando!! Our very own Tyler Isbell leads a Google Apps session.

New Blytheville High School teachers, Lena Pierce and Jolene Mullet, participating in one of the many NTAC meetings scheduled in Orlando this week.

NTAC 2016, Orlando!!! Our fearless leader has recovered from the 18 hour bus ride!! Now, on to meeting and collaborating for new ideas to make BHS great!!

Kristy Brasfield and Lisa White were honored Thursday night at the Rotary Club of Blytheville's Annual Banquet. Both teachers were awarded Rotary's Educator of the Year award and received a plaque for their exemplary service above self.

So excited for these seniors!! They're about to take the walk across the stage and into their future!! Congratulations!!!

The Rotary Club of Blytheville donated $500 to The Water Project, sponsored by BHS' Interact Club. The Water Project is an organization that provides clean, safe, and reliable water to a community in Africa. Madison Groves and Mrs. Kristy Brasfield were present at today's Rotary Luncheon to receive the donation.