Blytheville Public Schools will be closed tomorrow February 21, 2025. We are concerned about some residential side and county roads, the expected overnight refreeze across campuses, and students waiting at the bus stops in the negative wind chills.
However, 4A-3 District Tournament play will continue with your Lady Chicks at 4:00PM as they take on Westside, followed by the Boys at 5:30PM as they also take on Westside in the Semifinals.

Blytheville Public Schools will be closed Thursday, February 20th, due to inclement weather.

Blytheville School District will be closed tomorrow, February 19th, due to inclement weather.

The Blytheville School District will be dismissing early at 1:30 pm due to the impact of inclement weather across the state.

The Blytheville School District is closely monitoring the weather and the potential impact it may have on our area. We will operate on a regular schedule on Tuesday, February 18; however, if conditions change we will notify you as soon as possible. We will communicate any changes through text messages/phone calls , the district website and social media.

There will be NO outside deliveries of Valentine goods for students today or tomorrow. You will not be allowed to take these items on the buses as well.
*Also remember that school is not in session on Monday in observance of President's Day.

Attention Chickasaw Family
There WILL be school on Monday,
January 13th, 2025.
We will resume our regular schedule.
Bus routes are clear. Please be cautious on your commute. Most of what has melted today has also dried, but there could still be a few slick spots in the morning.
Please walk along the pathways that have been cleared as you enter the building.
We are SO excited to see all of you!

Blytheville Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday January 10th due to inclement Weather. Stay safe, Stay warm.

Hope you had a joyful holiday period!
Students Return January 3rd
Teachers Return January 2nd
Can't wait to see what the New Year Brings!

Every Tuesday and Thursday are School Fruit and Vegetable Days at Blytheville Elementary and Blytheville Primary Schools.

Blytheville School District provides Free Breakfast for all students. For more information contact Cliff Miller at 870-762-2053.

Join us for Homecoming tonight at Haley Field. Court Presentation starts 6:30pm. Reminder that the clear bag policy is in place, as well as, students need to have a guardian present.

Homecoming Sale - Excess School Goods Oct. 4 8-12:30 Transportation Department Building The direct sale is available for organizations such as local businesses, community groups, and churches. If you represent one of these groups, and are interested in participating contact Tamara Jones to register at 870-763-0551 or tajones@blythevilleschools.net. Registration ends on Oct. 3rd at 4pm. This wide selection is of high-quality furniture including tables, chairs, cabinets, desks, file cabinets, bookcases, and much more!

We are aware of threats in the surrounding local districts. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. The admin and security team work daily to ensure a secure learning environment through heightened vigilance, regular safety drills, and prompt response to potential threats, while maintaining open communication with the school community.

Due to weather, all after-school activities for Blytheville School District are canceled today, Thursday September 12th.

Blytheville Public Schools will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. The first Student Early Release will be held on September 4th. Your child’s school will make you aware of their dismissal times to allow for staff development. The next Student Early Release will be on September 18th.

We are conducting a survey to gather your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions regarding various aspects of our school district. Your feedback is essential in helping us understand what we are doing well and where we can make improvements. Please respond to the survey linked below by 4:00 PM on Friday, August 16th. https://forms.gle/jAa6SxqyLmvRVLNs9

Come out and show your support for the District, August 1st at 9:00am at the Primary Multipurpose Building!

We love to see you celebrating the academic achievements of our scholars this time of year. We hope that you join us for all of the upcoming the celebrations. Balloons are not allowed at events held in the Chickasaw Arena.

Congratulations to Teachers of the Year for Blytheville School District. Blytheville Primary- Latoria Aldridge, Blytheville Elementary- Lekeysha Buckley, Blytheville Middle- Rosetta Kelly, and Blytheville High- Amanda Haynes. Lekeysha Buckley was recognized at the Mississippi County Regional Chamber of Commerce Banquet as the Blytheville School District Teacher of the Year. We are so proud of their dedication to our district.