Students attending Blytheville Public Schools are eligible to receive a Summer 2023 P-EBT one time benefit of $120.00. We must have your correct address on file to be able to receive the benefit. Please inform your child’s school if your address has changed by May 26th to be eligible to receive the benefit.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
P-EBT Benefits
Happy Mother's Day to all our amazing Moms and Mother figures!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Happy Mother’s Day
The BHS Class of 2023 Graduation has been moved to the Chickasaw Arena due to wet field conditions. We apologize for the inconvenience. As a reminder, balloons are not permitted in the arena.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
BHS Graduation
Tribe, Do to the condition of the field and inoperable sound equipment, Graduation exercises will be held in Chickasaw Arena. Graduation will begin at 7:00 pm. Thank you for supporting our graduates in the accomplishment of this important milestone.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Happy School Nurse Day to all our Nurses! We appreciate your dedication to our students.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
National School Nurse Day
The Blytheville High School Athletics Award Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the Chickasaw Arena.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Athletics Award Ceremony
The Tenaris Summer Program is currently accepting applications. Applications may be picked up from Blytheville Primary School. The Summer Program will take place on the Primary Campus, June 12-July 13 from 8:00 AM- 11:30 AM.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Tenaris Summer Program
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all our teachers! We appreciate your hard work and dedication to our students!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Teacher Appreciation
Today, we celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo commemorates Mexico’s historic victory at the Battle of Puebla. As we remember the courage of those in battle, we also uplift and celebrate the contributions of Mexican-Americans throughout our nation’s history. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Cinco De Mayo
Today is School Lunch Hero Day! We do appreciate our cafeteria staff who work to ensure our students get the nutritious meals they need!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
School Lunch Hero
Volleyball tryouts for upcoming 7th-9th grade will be held Monday, May 15 - Thursday, May 18. Tryouts will be at the Blytheville Middle School Girls Gym. Each day is mandatory. Students need to bring water, tennis shoes and shorts.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Volleyball Tryouts
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, intended to support and educate people about the realities of mental health. It’s a topic that affects everyone—whether you know it or not, the stress and anxiety of the modern world get to all of us. By removing stigma, Mental Health Awareness Month aims to help people address their mental health needs and overall happiness. That’s why it’s important to educate others about what this month stands for, and ways we can all address our mental health difficulties in our own lives. A great way to gently and mindfully address this topic is by contemplating the wisdom of others.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Mental Health Awareness
Happy Principal Appreciation Day to our TRIBE leaders. We want to thank you all for your diligent work in leading both our staff and students to success. Your dedication and commitment is appreciated. Today we celebrate you!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Principal Appreciation
Blytheville School District recognized teachers of the year from each campus during the April school board meeting. Teachers are as follows: Micah Rogers- Blytheville Primary, Lorna Curtis- Blytheville Elementary, Beth McGrain- Blytheville Middle School and Candice Groves- Blytheville High School, who was also chosen as the District teacher of the year. These teachers have shown true leadership and dedication to the Blytheville School District. We appreciate their hard work.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Teacher of the Year
Blytheville Tribe, I am excited about the progress we are making during the ACT Aspire testing period. Keep up the great work. We need to make gains and we will as you keep engaging and doing your best!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Blytheville School District will be closed Friday, April 7th in observance of Good Friday. School will resume Monday, April 10, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Good Friday
Good afternoon. This is an update to address the information concerning a weapon on the Middle School campus.A student was searched and a toy weapon was found. Please direct your student to refrain from bringing such items to school. Disciplinary actions will occur.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Happy National School Librarian Week to all of our amazing library media specialists. Thank you for making all of the libraries such a welcoming space that engages, challenges, and inspires our scholars to learn and prepare for the ever-changing world!
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Librarian Week
We would like to recognize our paraprofessionals not only today, but everyday for their hard work and dedication. Paras, we appreciate you and your willingness to serve our students and staff.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Happy Paraprofessional Day
The Blytheville High School Drama Department presents, Disney Moana Jr. Join us for this production beginning Thursday, April 6th. See flyer below for more details. You must have cash only.
almost 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools